Only from the heart can you touch the sky
"Only from the heart can you touch the sky.” Rumi What I believe Rumi is saying here is that you can only live up to your potential when you live from the heart.…
"Only from the heart can you touch the sky.” Rumi What I believe Rumi is saying here is that you can only live up to your potential when you live from the heart.…
"Anger is the mind that wishes to harm and hurt. Patience is the mind that holds back from harming or hurting. Anger is the most difficult to deal with; patience…
I would like to share my subjective experience of my heart, with you: for the first time in my entire life I heard the soft gentle rhythmic beating of my…
The Guardian has an interesting article on how low intensity exercise can benefit people in both the short and long term: hormones produced during exercise help us to feel good…
"Nasal breathing releases Nitric Oxide (NO), which regulates homeostasis in many of the body’s functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. As ambient oxygen (O2) passes through the…
The psychological approach for managing emotionally destructive stress is to teach yourself to take control of your irrational thoughts. How? Just PAUSE, REFLECT AND PERCEIVE the truth of your irrational…